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Tired, drained most of the time? Get to know what can help you!

Do you ever find yourself feeling constantly drained, mostly tired as if your energy is constantly on depletion? Do you struggle to think clearly, to prioritize tasks, or to make decisions? If so, you're not alone. Many individuals, particularly those with numerous responsibilities, find themselves in a perpetual state of exhaustion, both physically and mentally.

For women who have lost sight of their career goals, and men who are stretched thin trying to balance work and home life, the burden can feel overwhelming. But what if I told you that the solution might not just lie in boosting physiological energy, but in tapping into internal resources, seeking guidance, and discovering new coping mechanisms?

Yes, coping mechanisms – the key to more mental space and increased physical capacity!

Consider the case of Hitesh, a hardworking father who spends long hours at the office to provide for his family. Despite his best efforts, he often finds himself too exhausted to engage meaningfully with his loved ones when he finally returns home. His mind is foggy, his thoughts scattered, and his ability to make decisions compromised. The demands of his job, coupled with the pressure to excel at home, leave him feeling drained and depleted almost always.

Similarly, take the example of Seema, a devoted mother of two who once had ambitious career aspirations. However, after prioritizing her family's needs over her own, she now finds herself feeling lost and disconnected from her professional identity. The endless cycle of caregiving, coupled with the guilt of not fulfilling her career potential, weighs heavily on her spirit, leaving her feeling overwhelmed and exhausted.

But why are individuals like Hitesh and Seema often left feeling so exhausted?

The answer lies in the multitude of responsibilities they carry, each demanding their time, energy, and attention. For Hitesh, the pressure to succeed at work while also being present for his family leaves little room for rest or relaxation. The constant juggling act takes its toll, leaving him feeling perpetually worn out.

As for Seema, the demands of motherhood, coupled with the loss of her career ambitions, create a sense of emotional and mental fatigue that is hard to shake. The weight of unmet expectations, both external and internal, leaves her feeling drained and depleted.

So, what can be done to help individuals like Hitesh and Seema reclaim their energy and vitality?

It starts with acknowledging that exhaustion is not just a physical state, but a psychological one as well. While boosting physiological energy through proper nutrition, exercise, and sleep is important, it's equally crucial to address the underlying psychological factors contributing to their exhaustion.

This may involve seeking support from loved ones, professional counsellors, or support groups, to provide a listening ear and guidance through difficult times. Additionally, helping individuals identify and implement new coping mechanisms, such as mindfulness practices or stress-reduction techniques or other supportive psychological techniques, can empower them to better manage their mental and emotional well-being. Ultimately, by addressing both the external pressures and internal struggles, individuals like Hitesh and Seema can begin to break free from the cycle of exhaustion and reclaim control over their lives. And so can you if you make up your mind to seek solutions to your problems and not just lie back thinking that this is life?

Komel Chadha



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